Using my new textures!

Since my previous post, I have been snapping all sorts of textures. And, after a really fun photoshoot with my daughter Caragh last week, I found some ways to use some of my textures!

out of camera

Above is the original photograph. Then, some dodge and burn editing and sharpening was done. After this I went to my newly built texture library and looked for something that might suit the scene.  The one I choose was a phone shot of a little case I received as a Kris Kringle pressie this Christmas gone.  It helps to pick something close in colour to what you already have in your scene.  Also if you have already done some actions of work on your original shot you can do the same to the texture/overlay to help it fit in more accurately.

texture as shot from phone
inverted and desaturated

texture added 

black and white treatment

with some adapted winter actions from the coffeshop blog
I am getting brave with what I am willing to try.  It's all a learning curve.  Just make sure, if you decide to try this, that you save your original image and if you don't like the end result of your editing you can always delete it of step backwards in the history.  Below is another use for some textures.  This time I used two different ones.  One is a marble coffee table and the other a paint peeling wall in my village that I noticed when out for a walk.

coffee table desaturated

wall inverted, sharpened and desaturated

original shot!

wall added strategically to Caragh's face and erased from where it wasn't wanted!

Sepia tones

coffee table shot added and again erased from where it was not wanted!

It is quite amazing what can be done when you give it a try!


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