Elena Shumilova workshop 2018 in Donegal

This year I decided that to increase my knowledge and improve my photography I would try and take part in some workshops if possible. There are lots of genres I am interested in so every time I see a workshop advertised I do a quick price check and after sweating for a few minutes or longer I decide I cannot afford it at the moment.  Photography is an expensive hobby and if you decide to turn it into a business there are mountains of hidden costs so for the most part it boils down to finances!

I have followed Elena Shumilova for sometime on her social media accounts each time going "wow" when I see one of her images. I would look at the details for example lens, camera and wonder how she managed to get so much magic into her shots. I just love her work! Her ascent to worldwide recognition has been phenomenal since she started taking photographs in 2012. She is an inspiration to me so, when I happened to see, on her facebook page, her list of workshops worldwide, and there was Ireland listed, I nearly had a mini meltdown!

I commented on the feed that I would love to go to the workshop in Donegal but was lacking funds or something to that effect! Soon after that I received a message from Brendan Diver, the organiser and host of the Donegal workshop, mentioning that I could pay in instalments and after a long phone call between us I signed up to the workshop!

Donegal is somewhere I had not been before so as well as being excited about the workshop and meeting Elena, I was so excited to be seeing Donegal despite the seven hour drive! Brendan had linked us in with the manager of the Strand Hotel in Ballyliffin (www.ballyliffinstrandhotel.com) so that we could organise accommodation, so after my long drive through parts of Ireland and Northern Ireland I have not been before, I was able to settle in pretty quickly.

The night of our arrival, Brendan had organised a meet and greet. Some of us had already been in touch through a Facebook group that Brendan had organised specifically for those of us attending the workshop so it was great to put faces with names! We had introductions, tea, coffee and then went for drinks where Brendan had also organised some traditional music. Most of us were wrecked from travelling so we settled in early for the night.

Day one of the workshop was attended with great anticipation! A group of hobbyists, semi professional and professional photographers gathered together to learn more about the one thing we had in common, our love of photography. Elena spoke to us about the equipment she likes to use and tips on how to prepare for a photoshoot. After we went to lunch in the cosy Nancy's Barn (www.nancysbarn.ie) we gathered again at the hotel to walk to our first location.

Just around the corner from the hotel, on the strand road on private land was an old stone farmhouse complete with stone walls and small field. The sight of a gang of photographers climbing down into the field must have been a treat for passers by! For my short legs it was a bit of a struggle but we got there! Our models were a joy! We took shots of various set ups with Brendan making sure we all got a chance to photograph the scenes set up by Elena. All the time she was taking her own shots, giving the models instructions, planning her next setup and giving us tips, showing us her screen and looking at ours offering help and support.

Sean and Bill

Once finished here, the highlight of which was little Bríana telling Sean what she wanted for Christmas, we went back to the hotel to board a bus which took us to Doagh Famine Village (www.doaghfaminevillage.com). I found this venue fascinating! It reminded me very closely of my recent visit to the cinema to see Black 47. The life-size mannequins were scarily realistic and undoubtedly the feeling of despair of the people of that time was conveyed. It is a place I will bring my children to visit very soon for educational and history purposes.

Firstly we went to a makeshift shelter where Elena set up her light and models and we photographed again with enthusiasm. Some of my Favourites of the day were taken here. I loved the dark scenery as did my Sony alpha a77ii!

Sean and Eoghann

Agnes and Bríana

The next scene was inside one of the cottages and was difficult for some of us to photograph for numerous reasons such as lens choice and lack of space for my crop sensor Sonya77ii . Congratulations to those who got great shots here! The little girls and Sean were brilliant as usual! Meanwhile outside there was great excitement over the arrival of some of our next subjects!

Barney the barn owl!

Once finished inside the house we headed across to the beach. Refuelled on biscuits (thank you Lisa!) we were ready for the next set up. The only thing missing was a cup of tea! The scenery was beautiful and our models performed fantastically! Sean, being a Game of Thrones veteran was at home adorned in a cloak and wielding a sword, Niamh, an elegant Celtic maiden with owl whispering abilities and Barney the owl who at one stage became a little too fond of Niamh!

Another quick change of models and a climb further down onto the beach and we had another fantastic scene to photograph.  Sisters Bella and Freya were fantastic and Sean obliged here again. His boundless energy and patience the envy of us all!

A cold and hungry bunch of photographers headed back to the hotel for dinner and drinks.  And after consuming some wine with my new friends a grateful nights sleep before our busy next day of editing.

The next morning was filled with information.  Elena shared so many secrets and tips and also gave us critique on some of our chosen shots from the previous day.  I learned so much on that day and am very much in debt to Elena for sharing her secrets.  I hope to use these skills to develop my portfolio over the coming months and years.





  1. Lovely post, Ashling! Fantastic photos too! It truly was a memorable weekend. We did learn a lot! Next time I will bring along a few hip flasks instead of biscuits!!!!!


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