Creating a texture library

I have recently been watching a Creative Live video about experimental portraits featuring Sue Bryce and Lara Jade. If you haven't heard of Creative Live and watched some of their classes you are definitely missing out.  They run a variety of classes and the live ones are free to watch but you can also buy classes to have and watch at your leisure.  This class I am watching is an eye opener with regards to thinking outside the box and expanding your creativity when it comes to setting up a portrait session and post production.

The biggest thing I learned from this class is to create a library of textures and overlays from what you see around you. You can almost create a texture from anything!  It is so much fun, and today I have been like a mad woman going around taking photographs, with my phone, and editing them in photoshop express.  I then exported them to adobe creative cloud so that I can access them on my computer.  I am not sure yet how I might use them, but I am storing them in a library and who knows when I might use them!  I did try one for fun and even though I am not completely happy with it, it is a starting point.  I am learning what works with what.

A quick edit

With a newly home made texture overlay!

The texture/overlay I used was a quick snap of a piece of designed glass that had broken off a wine bottle stopper.

glass overlay
This one I did not edit too much as I liked the colours.  Some others required a bit more work so that they looked less like their original form.

This is actually the same as above just inverted and desaturated.

So, here are a few more from my first day attempting to create some textures that hopefully I will use some day!

What do you think this might be?

It's a child's coat!

And this is a chopping board!

Board inverted and desaturated!

A blotchy wall 
The same wall inverted!

Fabric of wine bottle bag inverted and desaturated!
Wine bag pre editing

And this is from my sitting room mirror frame

There are loads more! This is only a quick snippet. And I suppose what I am saying is open your eyes, there's opportunity in everything!

To get $15 off your first class click the link below!


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