Ballysaggartmore Towers

I remember as a child being brought to "The Towers."  I have a vague recollection of a hole and a spider!  We didn't visit there again until one evening, when my children were very small and their Dad was working and I was going house crazy, we headed off to find them.

Being that I hadn't been there in so long, I didn't realise that there was more than one part! I thought, when we arrived at the top of the hill at the gate end, that was "The Towers"!  To be fair it was probably far enough for little legs that day and, we were already in awe of the windows, fireplaces, chimneys and turrets! The beautiful autumn colors that day and the pathway covered in leaves was breathtaking!  But, it was only on following visits that we discovered the full extent of what was to be found.

The gates with lodges

It is actually an elaborate folly.  According to local folklore it's purpose was to be an entrance and avenue to an elaborate mansion which was to be the envy of relatives who owned Strancally Castle on the Blackwater.  Apparently the owners ran out of money before they could build the mansion and lived out their lives in the much plainer Ballysaggartmore House. This was destroyed by arson in the civil war and no evidence of it remains.

What does remain is the entrance gate with lodges and further along there is the bridge also with lodges. My children tell me this is where the servants lived.  There is also a bridge/tunnel which you pass through while walking along the tranquil paths.

The Bridge towers and lodges

There are numerous seats along the walk way should one need to rest.  There are a number of picnic areas and it is a wonderful place for a family picnic.  There is even a small waterfall that leads to a small river.  One of my children's favourite things to see there is the "ghost tree" and having been there recently on a school tour, they are much better educated on it's history and resident flora and fauna! This place is so worth a visit for a Sunday or any day stroll.

My son and the "ghost tree"


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