Ardmore Cliff Walk part 2

Have I mentioned before that the cliff walk in Ardmore is one of my favourite places to visit? Well, it is! The evening light is always fabulous.

This visit we started at the middle of the walk as small legs weren't able for the full walk late in the evening.  This is at the watchtower end.  At the moment the grass is really high and prairie like!  I have ambition to dress the kids up and do a family shoot in the evening sun here.  Yesterday was not the day unfortunately! The light was amazing, but the children were unwilling!

My gang in the grass!

The watch tower

From here one can walk along a track made by tyres out towards the cliff walk to some amazing views.  If you bring binoculars you might spot some sea life. Just take care near the edges.  Last year we saw some basking sharks!

Turning left one will pass the wreck of the Samson.  When the tide is low one can see a lot more of it.  About a year and a half ago the crane was still standing tall but rust, time and weather have finally led to its collapse.

The wreck of the Samson

If you look up after this you can see the roof of the coast guard building. There are a serious amount of chimneys!

Coast guard building from the cliff walk

 As one continues along one could spot anything! We saw a flock of birds that we have not seen before but who were definitely on the information poster at the exit near St. Declan's well.  We just cannot decide which actual bird it was!

Then on turning the corner if you are lucky you might see this...

Sunset behind Ardmore bay from the cliff walk

My boys x

St. Declans church and shrine

miss in the middle!

St. Declan's shrine

St. Declan's well
I intend walking here for many an evening to come. It is nearly always different but the light is always amazing!


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