The Cliff Walk Ardmore

Having lived most of my life in county Waterford, you become used to the surrounds and their beauty often gets taken for granted. I had visited Ardmore on many occasions in the past but had not realised there was such an amazing cliff walk there. Now that I know I can't get enough of it!

There are a few different ways to access the walk and it is sign posted locally. It takes a trek by some nearby fields at one end but when you get there it is so worth that extra trek for the views alone! It can also be accessed near the Cliff House Hotel which brings you by St. Declan's Well.

View of Mine Head Lighthouse from near St. Declan's Well on the cliff walk

The light here in the evening is always amazing! And if you are lucky enough you might catch a glimpse of some sea life such as whales, basking sharks and seals to name a few.

seagull sitting on a rock!

The watch tower

The old watch tower in the distance

 And in the evening sun the round tower and St. Declan's oratory and cathedral ruins are worth a visit. The sun catches on the remaining walls and sets beautifully behind it.

ruins of St. Declan's Cathedral

the round tower


  1. Caroline Groarke17 August 2017 at 23:42

    Wow - its def mext on my list before they head back to school and it's only down the road from us

    1. It's a great way to clear the head! love it over there and cannot believe it took me so many years to find it!


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