Fields of Gold

It appears I have fallen in love with Rapeseed fields. Up until recently, I had no idea what the crop was as it would not have been commonly grown around our locality (please excuse my ignorance). This year however, it is catching my eye and imagination everywhere I go and I have seen loads of more shots online by people who are obviously noticing the same thing!

A view of a little oratory at Carriglea from the Whiechurch Road near the back gates.

 Then, there were stray rapeseed looking amazing in contrast with the red gates at the Deise Greenway. I am so proud of my county, and the people who sought funding and had the vision to develop such  fantastic resource.

The Deise Greenway at the work house Kilmacthomas.

Through farm gates on the Bog road

Back down at the other side of Carriglea, on the Bog road, the Rapeseed is still in full bloom and almost toxic in aroma when passing by.  I feel I am not finished snapping these fields, as I find myself completely drawn to them!

View over the gate


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