Camden Fort Meagher

Sometimes you visit somewhere that opens up your senses again. Recently, we visited Camden Fort Meagher in Crosshaven, Co. Cork.  I had wanted to see it since I first saw it on RTE's Nationwide programme and heard about the wonderful work the local volunteers had done in restoring this significant hidden piece of Irish history. There is loads of information to be found on the following website regarding the history of the fort, the restoration works as well as admission prices and even how to book it for your wedding!

We visited on a Sunday afternoon as it is currently only open at weekends. One is immediately filled with a sense of history as you walk over the now permanent bridge, which once was a drawbridge, that allows one access over the dry moat. 

The dry moat which goes the whole way around the landed side of the fort.
Inside the gates one is greeted by some of the many volunteers who have worked tirelessly to renovate the area. They are so enthusiastic and are filled with knowledge that they are bursting to share.  There are many Billets which have galleries, displays and buckets of information regarding the history of the fort and Ireland's history with regards to World War 1 and there is also a very sobering memorial room.  

The Billets

A prisoner soldier

 Down the tunnels, which are long and many as 65% of the fort is underground, there is a magazine room and the fabulous spiral stairs. My photographs down here really do not do it justice.  It needs to be seen to be appreciated.

The spiral stairs
looking out to where the titanic once berthed.
there is also a war grave due to a German submarine hitting one of their own mines

 We brought a picnic with us the day we went but there is a lovely restaurant with a fabulous decking area with stunning views of Cork harbour.  We met a lovely gentleman who showed us where the Titanic was once berthed.  He also told us many stories of the various activities those stationed at the fort would have engaged in!

The Lebanon Cyprus tree surrounded by little white memorials

Just when we thought we were finished, one of the volunteers asked if we had seen the bright tunnel with the zig zag back up.  Us fools thought he meant the long corridor leading to the spiral stairs!  How surprised were we to find more tunnels with the most ridiculously long stairs going down, down, down...

The bright tunnel

the stairs from the bottom!
 At the end of the stairs there was another tunnel leading to the engine rooms and down here is where the big guns were mounted, completely under ground so that they were not visible to any bomber aircraft.

down by the engine rooms

down here was like a ghost town.

The engineers room was like something abandoned in time. In here we found a little bit of nostalgia!


Remember one of these in one of my grandparents home

made in Jervis street!

just look at that phone!
We can totally recommend Camden Fort Meagher for a day out and we hope to go there again soon to see the next stage of renovations of this now heritage site.  For €16 for a family ticket it is fantastic value for money.


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