Kerry Summer 2017

This year for our holidays we decided to explore a little of Co. Kerry.  We love the laid back feeling when you visit Kerry.  It is like stress has gone and left itself somewhere else completely.  This time we chose Sneem as our base and rented a house.

We arrived on a Saturday evening and had food in a little place called The Village Kitchen.  The next day we got up and it was raining! Determined not to let the weather get the better of us we decided to go visit Staigue Fort near Castlecove. It is not very far from Sneem and we were having visitors later so it was the perfect trip.

Two people exploring the fort in the fog!
Once one has managed the very narrow roads up the mountain, wondering if the end will ever be in sight without hitting another car, the delightful sight of a trailer cafe comes into view and the end of the road! There is a small path to a gate which has an honesty box requesting 1 euro per adult to enter! You are now on private land. There is then a very short path to the Fort.

It is fairly impressive and though we arrived in very thick fog, it was a very enjoyable visit. We wondered if the fog added to the atmosphere of the place!

The entrance/exit to the fort

seeing us off!

The next day we explored a little around Sneem. It is a rather pretty village with a beautiful church. After lunch we headed off to Derrynane House the home of Daniel O' Connell. Again more twisty narrow roads but so worth it when you get there.

This summer children were free entry into all OPW buildings and sites which is fantastic when you have three! Included in our visit to Derrynane was access to five rooms/museum of the house, a video about Daniel O' Connell and his life, access to the private chapel, access to the gardens and fairy trail, the beach and a coach house containing the carriage that Daniel was paraded down O' Connell Street in Dublin on after his release from prison. I have to say the staff here were so pleasant and helpful and did their best to engage the kids.

Daniel's chair from parliament

Inside the private chapel
the ceremonial carriage

fairies everywhere
There are 28 fairy houses dotted along the woods and one can get a map of where they are from the little coffee shop on site.  Each one is different and there is often a surprise behind a door if you look!   Its enough to keep little ones occupied for hours!

through the gates on the other side of the road

the summer house

Derrynane house
Unfortunately the day we arrived the sea was rough and the red flags were out on the beach.  So no swimming or paddling. The beach itself is beautiful though and worth a visit on its own.

Derrynane Abbey and burial place of Daniel O' Connells wife
The next day took us off around the Skelligs ring.  I wanted to see the Skellig islands but had no intention of getting on a boat across! All the times I have been on the Ring of Kerry, I have never been this way before.  We also had been advised that the Skelligs Chocolate factory was a must to visit so convincing everyone that this was the best route for the day was easy!  We skipped past Ballinskelligs beach and pier as the calling for chocolate was too great! And wow was the chocolate worth waiting for. After our tasting we had coffee, which was the nicest I have ever had, we had to purchase copious amounts of amazing chocolate.  That's big for me as I don't usually like chocolate but I have been converted!

can you spot the Skelligs?

 I am fairly sure the view is fantastic when the sun shines!

view from the chocolate factory
After this we traversed some scary roads! The fog became really thick and I could not see where I was driving! It didn't help that on the other side of the road I was very aware of the huge drop down the mountain!  Then, suddenly as we drove down the other side of the mountain the fog was gone! We arrived at the Kerry Cliffs which is the closest viewing point for the Skelligs and we were not disappointed. There is a charge of 4 euro per person to visit the cliffs as again it is on private property but I think it was worth it.

The Skelligs from the cliff 35mm lens

Skellig Michael 70-300mm lens

Bray Head on Valentia Island from the Kerry Cliffs

looking to Valentia Island

out at the edge

replicas of the huts on Skellig Michael
After this is the short drive to Portmagee. This is a picturesque little town and from here one can also do boat trips to the Skelligs. There is a Skelligs Experience visitor centre on the other side of the bridge once you cross over onto Valentia Island.


The Skelligs from Valentia Island

Valentia lighthouse
Valentia Island is pretty. We arrived later in the evening and were tired from exploring so I hope to visit there again. When we arrived at the narrow road down to the lighthouse I had a moment where I couldn't cope with another narrow road so we decided not to go down to it! I will next time I go there.  That evening in Sneem was the only day the sun shone!

little cottage across the bay in Sneem, it has a fabulous garden

Sneem bay

the bridge in Sneem

proof of sunshine!
The next day brought us to Crag Cave at the request of the kids! So no longer on the Ring of Kerry, Crag Cave is just outside Castleisland which on passing through looks like a delightful little town.  Crag Cave is a temperature of 10 degrees Celsius all year and with high ceilings is a comfortable walk through.

On our way back I insisted on stopping near Killarney to take in some of the views. A photographers paradise!

The next day brought us along the Ring of Kerry into Kilorglin, then we decided to keep going and visit Blennerville windmill. This was great value and the kids got to try their hands at grinding flour.  The visit included a visit to the museum, a video on the history of the windmill and its restoration, visit to the Kerry model railway and a guided tour of the windmill all for 15 euro for 5 of us!

looking out

making flour

Blennerville windmill

On the way home we visited Gougane Barra, Co. Cork. I have wanted to visit here for sometime. It is one of the most beautiful, peaceful places I have ever seen. I will definitely be back to photograph here again, who knows I might even get to photograph a wedding here!


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