Duckett's Grove

Duckett's Grove is located just off the road between Castledermott and Tullow in Co. Carlow.  Having spotted it in passing before but not realising what a gem was there, I was determined to pay it a visit at the first opportunity.

That opportunity came last Saturday as I took a quick detour on my way back from a wedding portfolio workshop at Russborough house.  I headed down the skinny road and to my surprise found a lovely tarmacadam car park with cars and a tourist bus. I walked on in and saw this...

As I was walking around I could hear singing and music which was a little surreal considering my setting which has been associated with paranormal activity namely a banshee!

On further investigation I found tea rooms and craft shops thus discovering the source of the music!
The grounds are now under the care of Carlow County Council, and Duckett's Grove and its beautiful walled gardens are open free of charge as a public park area.

walled garden

There are still remaining the tall towers and even some detail in the architecture.  It is amazing to think that it survived even through IRA occupation to be destroyed by fire in 1933.

As I left to drive home, I looked in my rear view mirror and saw this...

Obviously I had to hop out and take the shot. When I arrived at Duckett's Grove I had a perfectly functioning phone with google maps.  When I left nothing was working! I eventually had to turn the phone off to get it working again. And I also appear to have a new wallpaper! I'm not saying I believe in paranormal activity but...


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